Each month Timberline must transfer the interest from the COLTAF accounts to the State of Colorado. Use the instructions below to complete the transfers in Paperless Item Module (PIM). 

1. Log into NGP

2. Select Paperless Item Module from the tree on the left

3. Expand Batch Entry > Inquiry

4. Click Total of All Batches

  • Review current batches to identify an available batch number (one that is not listed on this page)

5. Expand New

6. Click Batch

7. Enter batch number selected

8. Complete page one of batch entry

  • Update any date fields to current dates, do not use dates shown.

***Take a Screenshot, paste into FreshService ticket

9. Click Transmit

10. Complete page two of batch entry.

  • The amount is the same for both Sequence 1 & 2 (amount should be provided to you or reach out to Kristen Wood, Pon Choma, or Brandi Klazura)
  • The Ident# is generally MMDDYYYY0000S where S = sequence number such as 1, 2, 3, etc)
  • R/T Number (Sequence 1): 101000695
  • R/T Number (Sequence 2): 102107063
  • Account Number (Sequence 1): 9872076494
  • Account Number (Sequence 2): 2010121263

***Take a Screenshot, paste into FreshService ticket

11. Click Update

12. Click Close

13. Have another employee review for errors before proceeding with step #14

  • Click Total of All Batches under Inquiry, then submit batch number

14. Click Specifications

15. Click Origination

16. Click Change

17. Enter batch  number selected above and then Submit

18. Enter batch number in the batch number field and click Transmit

19. After clicking Transmit, the remaining fields will populate

20. Click Update

21. Go back to Inquire > Total of All Batches. The status code should now show "5"

22. Take a screenshot > Combine 3 screenshots > Convert to PDF > Save PDF to: L:\Bank Operations\Deposit & Cash Operations\PIM Manual Returns\Originating one time PIMS