DocuSign users have the ability to share their DocuSign envelopes in the event they are going to be out of the office. This does not require IT and can be performed by the individual users using the following steps. 

1. Log into DocuSign

2. Click on your initials in the upper-right

3. Select My Preferences

4. On the left-hand menu, select Shared Access

5. From this screen, you can manage shared access as well as review who has shared their envelopes with you, and who you have shared your envelopes with. 

    a. To remove shared access click Remove next to the person you no longer wish to share access with

6. To share access with someone, select Share Access with Others in the upper-right of the screen

7. Select the permission level you wish to assign

8. Set the start and end date. If no duration is desired, you can leave the end date blank. 

9. Select the user(s) you wish to share with.

10. Click Add at the bottom of the screen