Business Bill Pay is pretty different in how it’s managed from Q2. The user security levels for business bill pay are controlled from the Settings > Bill Pay Administration tile. For existing customers, the bill pay administrator may need to log in first and assign permissions and accounts. If it’s a new enrollment, they MUST sign in first and assign permissions and account access. This is done by following the instructions below.

Security Levels

  • Level 1 (Admin) user is the person who enrolled for the service and who is responsible for the CheckFree Small Business account. The Level 1 user has full access to all product functionality and must approve some tasks initiated by Level 2 and Level 3 users.
  • Level 2 user can commit to expenditures and approve payments initiated by Level 3 users. The Level 2 user can manage his or her own information and the information for all Level 3 users. There can be multiple Level 2 users for one small business account.
  • Level 3 user has restricted access to product functionality. The Level 3 user can manage only his or her own information. There can be multiple Level 3 users for one small business account.

Permission Changes:

  1. Click the user
  2. Select the appropriate security level from the drop down
  3. Select the appropriate accounts form the list 
  4. Click Submit

Administrator Changes

We do not have the ability to change the administrator easily. These changes have to be made on the database level and are not quick. A Client360 ticket is required and should include at minimum the new admins name and subscriber ID (Note: this process may need tweaked as we go through it as there are no defined instructions from Fiserv for these situations). 

These are a few other things you can check to make sure the user is setup correctly before reporting issues.

  • Phone number is assigned (for business, it needs to be a business number)
  • Address (no special characters in the address line (@,#,$,%,&, etc.). You may need to update the address in Navigator to remedy this.
  • Tax ID
  • Email (check that the format is correct)
  • Feature rights (only one user can be assigned the Bill Pay Admin feature right for business)


  • Check PartnerCare and verify the Preferred Account and Billing Accounts are the same and that the account is open/active. Update as needed but the preferred account must be open/active.

Subscriber Profile > Accounts

If changes are required, click on the account you wish to designate as primary and billing and make the changes shown below. 

Check that the level 1 user in PartnerCare matches the administrator in Console. All efforts must be made to make Console match Partnercare… that is the quickest and easiest resolution. 

Subscriber Profile > Small Business User

Note: Ignore the level 1 user assigned to the business name – these don’t apply. 

Subscriber Inactivation

From time to time, you may need to inactivate a subscriber. Inactivating unused subscribers keeps costs down by stopping billing for that customer. However, you should be aware of the following: 

  • Inactivating a Business subscriber (Sponsor ID 13326) is PERMANENT and cannot be undone by us, or Fiserv! 
  • Billers can not be migrated to another subscriber
  • History can not be migrated to another subscriber